Saturday, February 21, 2009

We have PROPER ducks!!

That is what I woke to this morning... two very excited little guys hopping up and down and gleefully yelling that I had to come look at the ducks in our swimming pool. Apparently, a lovely pair of wild mallards had decided to take a little vacation in our pool and the boys were thrilled. There they were, just swimming about, happy as you please while our 140 lb dog laid in the yard and watched. He's getting older and I guess the thrill is gone from chasing stuff that shouldn't be in the yard. Carson, who can always be counted on to find the wonder in the smallest things, proudly told me that these weren't just any ducks, they were PROPER ducks because they used the steps to get out of the pool instead of just flying. And lo and behold, while he was telling me that - they did use the steps to get out to his delight. They hung around long enough to keep them entertained for a couple of hours and then they were on their way again. I hope they come back - its amazing how happy a couple of random ducks can make a couple of random boys!

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