Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well, here it is!

I cannot believe that I let my sister talk me into this. Ok, she didn't so much TALK me into it as much as she just went on and on about her own blog and how great it is and how much everyone was enjoying it and THEN she stopped telling me things about her life on purpose so that when I heard them from someone else she could say "Well, if you read my blog you would know that". So I guess in a way this is kind of a grudge thing. I can't let her have a whole world that I know nothing about so here I am just plunging in. Let's just get a couple of things out of the way right now: 1) I am really, really, really busy so I may not be too regular about the posting. 2) Any post that I manage to get done will very likely not be interesting in any way to the great majority of the world so you have been warned. 3) I like to talk in really long run-on sentences that use a lot of descriptive words and adjectives and sometimes I don't always use punctuation -- it's how I talk and how I type. If that is going to bother you, erase the link to my blog now or our friendship won't survive. 4) if you are my friend or my family, you will more than likely show up here from time to time. You all know what your relationship is with me and therefore I don't think I should have to get signed release forms from you. Again, if this bothers you, delete the link now.
I hope that in some way this gets me closer to some of you... I have a lot on my plate and I dont always have the time to call everyone and check in -- even though I would like to. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions but don't get your feelings hurt if I ignore them. I've never had a blog before and I want to try it my way first -so let's just agree to ride along together for a while and see where this takes us. If I get us lost, you can take over.


  1. I have been following your blog for a while now and I can honestly say that this is the most interesting post to date. I see you have mastered configuration and made your page "pretty" and that takes some people a LONG time so you are already ahead of the curve. Great job, I look forward to getting to know you better and following your adventures.

  2. You DO talk in long run on sentences and really fast also. Oh well, you wouldn't be Ann if you didn't.
